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Support Groups

New location for NAMI Family Support Group. 


 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in person from 6:30pm to 8:00.

Location is:  Abington Police Community Room

215 Central St. Abington 

contact for more information


We welcome family members, partners and  friends to share common problems which arise from their loved ones' mental health conditions. We provide a secure non-judgmental environment where caregivers can discuss concerns and benefit from the collective knowledge and experience from one another.


There are specific support groups available such as borderline personality disorder, men's support group, etc.  Information about these groups and how to get in touch with the facilitators is available on






Family-to-Family Class


This is a FREE 8-week course for friends, partners and family caregivers of individuals with mental health conditions that discusses the DSM 5 criteria of mental illnesses, what is actually happening in the brain, and how medication works. We also share information,  knowledge and skills that family members need to cope effectively.

Family-to-Family offers resources, insights, coping skills, and genuine support for friends and families. This is highly recommended by families and clinicians. 

Registration for this class is available on the NAMI Mass. website which is   

Peer Led Connections

Support Group 





Connections is a Peer led Support Group. You can find the Zoom meetings for this support group on the website. 

You may join any group that is convenient for you time wise. 




Peer To Peer

NAMI Peer to Peer will be on Zoom. For information about Zoom Meetings, contact



NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a free 8 week recovery-focused educational program for adults who wish to establish and maintain wellness in response to mental health challenges. 




NAMI Basics is now offered as a virtual class. Go to

to find the facilitator's contact information. 


NAMI Basics facts:

  • the six-module course covers the same material as the in-person NAMI Basics classes

  • NAMI Basics  gives parents and caregivers the opportunity to participate on their own schedule without the worry of finding child care, traveling or feeling the disappointment of an in-person class canceling because of low enrollment

  • the Connect and Share option in NAMI Basicsoffers parents and caregivers the opportunity to share stories, support and interact with each other in an online setting.


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