South Shore Affiliate :
We began in 2012 as a group of family members and professionals with a goal to bring NAMI’s programs to the communities we live and work in. Offering expanded educational opportunities resulted in our Speaker Series. Different topics are chosen every year and are presented by professionals in their field. Members will be notified when a speaker date is arranged.
Concern about how we can more directly help people with lived experience and their recovery resulted in the Get Going program. We offer the ability to purchase items, or services that can help overcome a small stumbling block. Have your clinician contact us for an application. The Get Going Program is currently under reconstruction!!!
Collaborating with local mental health facilities resulted in creating a lending library
for clients of the Atlantic Clubhouse in Quincy.
We are always thinking of ways we can accomplish our mission of helping people with mental health concerns and their friends and families. Join us on our journey.
Towns In Affiliate
You may be from any town to take advantage of our programs but these are the communities in our affiliate
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How can I find a therapist or a provider?
NAMI recommends that you start with your insurance provider. You can also ask your primary care provider.
2. How do I find a support group for my loved one?
Contact namimass.org. Go to Peer Support. There will be a list of Connection groups. They are all on Zoom at this time. Join any one.
3. Why doesn't my loved one's doctor call me back?
HIPPA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This law protects all patient information without consent from the patient. Every doctor must have a HIPPA release form signed by the patient in order to communicate to parties allowed. This does not impede the family from GIVING information just receiving information.
4, I don't like the way the meds make me feel. I keep thinking that I don't want to take them any more. I feel they aren't helping. Can I stop?
This is a conversation that you need to have openly with your prescriber. There might be another dosage, or a different med. entirely. Ask your doctor what you can do to learn how to handle the side affects. Conversations are needed to help you make any decision.
Go to nami.org and sign up for one of the discussion groups. It's safe and informative.
Board Members:
Betty MacIntyre * President
Henry Yeh * Treasurer
Kim Anderson * Secretary
Peter MacIntyre * Marketing Director​
Molly Garrity * Chairperson of Get Going Fund
Cathy Rein * Director
Family to Family Facilitators
Molly and Brian
Bob and Betty
Family Support Group Facilitators
Betty, and Mike
If you wish to contact any of these people
do so via namisouthshore@gmail.com or call us and leave a message at: